2021年9月29日 星期三

Why Do We Need to Learn Buddha Dharma? What Is the Fundamental Reason for Doing so?


Why Do We Need to Learn Buddha Dharma? What Is the Fundamental Reason for Doing so?

Why Do We Need to Learn Buddha Dharma? What Is the Fundamental Reason for Doing so?

Rather than saying “Buddhism” is a type of religion, it is better to regard it as “teachings by the Buddha.” Also, the most basic foundation of Buddhism is to “clearly believe the law of cause and effect.” Where we go after death and if we will no longer transmigrate and can break away from the suffering of birth, aging, illness, and death all depend on what you do from now on and what teachings and lineage you follow. All the consequences are determined by the causes we have created due to “The law of cause and effect never errs.” That is why the Buddha taught us, “Abstain from whatever that is evil, and do all that is good.”

Why do we need to learn Buddha Dharma and understand Buddha Dharma? The most fundamental reason is as we live in this world, we must clearly believe the law of cause and effect. You need to know what effect will be created in the future from the mindset and ideas you give rise to at this moment. If today, you waste your time and ruin your health, be aware of the consequences tomorrow.  Causes and effects form the incessant transmigration. Therefore, good causes will lead to good results. The same is true on the opposite. That is why we need to have a positive attitude to face our life and treat every day and every consequence in a proactive manner.

How can one attain liberation and end the cycle of birth and death? His Holiness the Buddha told us to proceed in the two aspects of cultivation and Dharma practice and not to miss either of the two!  “If you practice the Dharma but do not cultivate yourself, you will not be able to attain accomplishment. If you cultivate yourself but do not practice the Dharma, you will not be able to generate realization powers. If you have listened to the teaching of the Dharma and cultivation, yet you do not put it into practice, it is as if you are trying to catch the moon from the moon’s reflection in water.

When you look at the many so-called Dharma masters, Dharma kings, rinpoches, and great knowledgeable and beneficent persons, if they do not mention cultivation to you and only say practicing a Dharma or just studying the theory of emptiness in Buddhist sutras can lead to accomplishment, then they are absolutely outside practitioners or demons.  They can even be called evil practices.  They are not authentic Buddhism. This is also a very important criterion for evaluating holy gurus.

In other words, other than concretely implement “cultivation” and “Dharma practice,” there is no second path leading to “accomplishment and liberation!” “You must cultivate yourself. If you do not cultivate yourself, you cannot attain accomplishment. You must learn the Dharma. If you only cultivate yourself but do not learn the Dharma, you also will not be able to attain accomplishment. These two points are very important and are interrelated. Neither can be missing.” This is also an important standard for you to judge whether the master you choose to follow can lead you to accomplishment and liberation.

Perhaps many people would say, since they have done very little study in Buddhist books and due to other conditions, “We do not know…” and “Who should we believe after all?” Actually, the answer is very simple. His Holiness the Buddha has told us long ago to rely on the “four points,” which are, “relying on the Dharma, not people;” “relying on wisdom, not consciousness;” “relying on the truth, not words;” and also “relying on the definitive truth, not non-definitive truth.”  All need to use these four points to measure. What is to be measured?  Following the principles of causality and attaining accomplishment, you measure if your master has taught you to transform causality through cultivation, and how many disciples have attained accomplishment from the Dharma transmitted by this master. All must be based on real examples and real evidence, not empty theories or meaningless words!


The above is my understanding from learning from Buddha, benefits and reflections that I would like to share with you all. I respectfully pray for all living beings to take refuge in true Dharma early and thus attain enlightenment early! Amitabha!


Why Do We Need to Learn Buddha Dharma? What Is the Fundamental Reason for Doing so?


Link: https://dharma-hhdorjechangbuddhaiii.org/why-do-we-need-to-learn-buddha-dharma-what-is-the-fundamental-reason-for-doing-so/


#Buddha #Buddhism #Dharma #lawofcauseandeffect

2021年9月22日 星期三




Hey everybody, and welcome back to my channel. Sorry about the air conditioner in the background, but there’s nothing we can do about it.




Um, today I want to talk about my lat injury and reattachment and kind of what I think caused it and the recovery process and the therapy I’ve been doing to get better from it. So let’s start with how I think it happened.




About three weeks out from the US open(Kernusopen), I pulled 820 in training. It was good, I mean, it felt great. Pulled it right up, no problems. Figured I was good for 859 on a third and that was kind of the plan going into it: take a nice light opener, pull a new world record and then try to break it even further with that.




Um, clearly the last part of that didn’t happen, because I tore my lat off at the 821, but we’re three weeks out. I had the great training session, and then the next day I go to visit the World Buddhism Association headquarters in Pasadena; I go to visit my Buddha Master, Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III.


嗯,很明顯,最後一部分沒有發生,因為我在 821磅撕裂了我的背闊肌。


在我們離美國公開賽的三個星期前,我有很棒的訓練課程,然後第二天我訪問位於(美國洛杉磯)帕薩迪納的世界佛教總部,我去求見我的佛陀師父 南無第三世多杰羌佛


And there’s a bunch of Vajra Scepters laying around now, Vajra Scepters look like a giant Thomas inch dumbbell; they’re much heavier and the handles are a little bit thinner. But they’re huge-looking, really neat, uh, implements.


有一堆金剛杵現在躺立在那裡,金剛杵看起來像一個巨大的「湯瑪斯英奇啞鈴」(知名於重約172磅(78公斤),把手厚近2 3/8英寸,如果沒有強大的握力,無法抓住它) 。但它們重得多,手柄稍微薄一點,然而這些杵看起來很大,真的很酷的器具。


And I lifted them all except for the Buddha Scepter. The only person that’s ever lifted the Buddha Scepter is Buddha Master, and basically that is 59 levels over what is normal for people that Buddha Master did when He lifted that. And being a Shangzun, I thought I had a good shot at it. So I went and grabbed it and started pulling on it, and he warned me not to do it but I gave it a try and I pulled with everything I had. And then I felt like a movement or a twinge in my lat, and I was like kind of “It was painful, but it wasn’t bad,” and He was like “I wouldn’t compete in three weeks.” I go, “I think I’ll be fine; I got three weeks to heal, it should be okay.” Well, didn’t listen, tore it off. um with a weight that I can easily accomplish.


我把它們都提了起來,除了佛陀杵。唯一曾經能提起佛陀杵的是佛陀師父(南無第三世多杰羌佛),佛陀師父(南無第三世多杰羌佛)提起的基本上比正常人上超59 段。而作為一個上尊,我想我應該有機會拿起來。所以我走過去抓住它,並開始拉起佛陀杵。佛陀師父警告我不要拿,但我仍去嘗試,我用盡所有力氣去提,然後我覺得我的背闊肌移動了或覺得有刺痛,而我覺得好像是會疼痛但不差。佛陀師父說,如果我是你,我三週內不會去參加比賽。我說,我想我會沒事的,我還有三週可以恢復,應該可以。嗯,我沒有聽佛陀師父的話,結果背闊肌撕裂,在我原本可以輕易完成的重量。


旺扎上尊IG (歡迎訂閱關注)


* Thomas inch dumbbell 湯瑪斯英奇啞鈴

thomas inch dumbbell










#第三世多杰羌佛 #南無第三世多杰羌佛 #多杰羌佛第三世 #旺扎上尊 #上尊 #拿杵上座 #佛陀道行 #佛陀 #金剛杵 #金剛杵上座 #佛陀杵 #佛陀道行質地 #道行 #背闊肌肉 #受傷 #肌肉受傷 #復健 #復健過程 #復健療程 #美國公開賽 #世界紀錄 #舉重世界紀錄 #舉重 #打破紀錄 #打破世界紀錄 #世界佛教總部 #湯瑪斯英奇啞鈴 #上超59段

2021年9月17日 星期五


文化藝術館通知】祝賀 南無第三世多杰羌佛佛誕主題表演獎得獎名單 通知

Museum Notice
祝賀 南無第三世多杰羌佛佛誕主題表演獎得獎名單 通知










  1. 欒香:詩歌 頌南無第三世多杰羌佛(朗誦)
  2. 普覺佛教聞修中心:歌曲《燃燈祈愿歌》恭賀佛誕(朗誦+合唱)




  1. 華藏學佛苑-深圳覺證慈航會:天籟佛音(禪舞)
  2. 正法順德團隊:南方獅子恭賀佛誕(舞獅子)
  3. 台灣竹雲寺:恭賀H.H.第三世多杰羌佛佛誕吉祥(聲樂+舞蹈)
  4. 世界佛教正心會:齊心合唱正心祈福誦祝願佛陀佛誕快樂(演唱)
  5. 中華國際佛教聞修正法會上海團隊:中華國際佛教聞修正法會在江浙滬的佛弟子和善信恭賀佛陀佛誕表演



第三世多杰羌佛文化藝術館 敬啟

本館網站: https://www.hhdcb3cam.org


【文化藝術館通知】祝賀 南無第三世多杰羌佛佛誕主題表演獎得獎名單 通知


#第三世多杰羌佛 #多杰羌佛第三世 #多杰羌佛  #HH第三世多杰羌佛佛誕

2021年9月11日 星期六















#第三世多杰羌佛 #HH第三世多杰羌佛 #南無第三世多杰羌佛#多杰羌佛 #多杰羌佛第三世 #南無第三世多杰羌佛說法 #南無第三世多杰羌佛座下弟子 #南無第三世多杰羌佛弟子 #高僧大德 #高僧 #大德 #仁波且 #法王 #大居士 #居士 #解脫成就 #解脫 #成就 #成就解脫 #生死自由 #火化舍利 #肉身放光 #金剛不壞 #按時坐化 #坐化 #舍利 #肉身 #金剛不壞之身 #極樂世界 #極樂淨土 #淨土 #按時往升 #現量大圓滿法 #大圓滿法 #成就虹身法界境 #虹身法界境 #化虹身 #證量 #高證量 #真实身份 #身份 #誹謗污衊 #誹謗 #污衊 #凡夫 #聖者