(Video) Disciple of H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III–Venerable Dharma Teacher Qing Ding

(Video) Disciple of H H Dorje Chang Buddha III---
Venerable Dharma Teacher Qing Ding

Venerable Dharma Teacher Qing Ding was the successor to the dharma lineage of H.E. Dharma Master Neng Hai of the Geluk sect. He had over one million disciples and was a famous monk in China. He was a greatly virtuous Han-Chinese dharma teacher of the Geluk sect. He became accomplished through practicing the Yamantaka Vajra dharma. The venerable dharma teacher was one of the disciples of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III who received an inner-tantric initiation. Above is a photograph of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III performing an initiation for Venerable Dharma Teacher Qing Ding the day His Holiness accepted him as a disciple.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/fcXaloRjVC8
(Video) Disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III--Venerable Dharma Teacher Qing Ding
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